
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2014 - 673 Points
3 Expeditions → 53 Points

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3 Places → 0 Points

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27 Species

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Amazzone aliarancio, Aninga americana, Ara rossoverde, Aracari collonero, Aracari verde, Avvoltoio nero

Chiurlo piccolo, Cormorano neotropicale, Corriere semipalmato
Falco dei pipistrelli
Gabbiano sghignazzante, Galletto di roccia della Guyana, Gambecchio americano, Garzetta nivea, Guan marail
Martin pescatore verde
Parrocchetto alidorate, Piovanello maggiore, Piovanello tridattilo, Piro piro macchiato
Sterna beccogiallo, Sterna zampenere
Titira codanera, Trogone dorsoverde, Trogone violaceo amazzonico, Tucano beccorosso

1 Countries 0 Points

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1 Friends 500 Points

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