
Expeditions - Photos
Birder since 2021 - 572 Points
20 Expeditions → 72 Points

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19 Places → 500 Points

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29 Species

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List of species found

Abibe-mascarado, Águia-pesqueira, Apóstolo, Australasian Magpie

Barn Owl, Beija-flor-de-dorso-verde, Biguazinho-preto, Brown Honeyeater
Cacatua-galah, Cauda-de-leque-de-garganta-preta, Cotovia-bicolor
Fraca da Guiné
Ganso-alvinegro, Íbis-branco-australiano
Mainato, Melífago-barulhento, Milhafre-brâmane, Milhafre-preto
Pardal-comum, Pato-rajá, Peru-do-mato-australiano, Pheasant Coucal, Pomba-lofote, Pombinha-nuca-rosa, Pombo-doméstico
Rainbow Lorikeet
Torresian Crow
Welcome Swallow

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