Every expeditions and birds sightings

2024-07-17 - manly point (Australia) - the_birdman
Intermediate Egret (1), Pied Stilt (1), Superb Fairywren (1), White-faced Heron (1)

2024-07-16 - mt jim crow (Australia) - the_birdman
Brolga (1)

2024-06-29 - Espinouset (France) - Phil
Barn Swallow (2), Black Woodpecker (2), House Sparrow (4)

2024-06-18 - lakeside drive victoria point (Australia) - the_birdman
Australian Pelican (1), Great Blue Heron (1), Great Egret (1), Little Black Cormorant (1), Pied Cormorant (1)

2024-06-08 - flour (Australia) - the_birdman
Olive-backed Sunbird (1)

2024-05-09 - 2JJC+P5 Hampton, VA (United States) - kalaskas
Belted Kingfisher (1)

2024-05-09 - Les salines (France) - nataliachousoupolydouri
Black-winged Stilt (2), Glossy Ibis (1), Greater Flamingo (100), Mute Swan (2)

2024-05-09 - Ste Marie de la Mer (France) - nataliachousoupolydouri
Common Tern (1), Eurasian Spoonbill (1), European Bee-eater (6), Gray Heron (4), Greater Flamingo (4), Little Egret (3), Little Tern (1), Mute Swan (2), Red-crested Pochard (2)

2024-05-09 - pandanus st (Australia) - the_birdman
Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (1)

2024-04-26 - riserva torbiere (Italy) - federicorizzi
Common Sandpiper (1), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), Great Cormorant (5), Mute Swan (1), Red-crested Pochard (10)

2024-04-21 - Cintegabelle (France) - Jaire
Black Kite (10), Cattle Egret (1), Common Wood-Pigeon (1), Corn Bunting (1), Crested Lark (2), Eurasian Kestrel (1), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), European Starling (20), Gray Heron (1), Little Egret (1), Red Kite (1), Western Yellow Wagtail (1), Whinchat (2), Zitting Cisticola (1)
Avec Noé qui a vu l'aigrette, les étourneaux et le pigeon!

2024-04-20 - Mirador San Lorién (Spain) - Manu
Blackcap (2), Common House-Martin (10), Common Raven (1), Eurasian Crag-Martin (10), Eurasian Griffon (10), Lammergeier (2), Peregrine Falcon (1)
Randonnée des miradors de reville

2024-04-14 - havenwood (Australia) - the_birdman
Helmeted Guineafowl (1)

2024-04-13 - Source de la Sorgue plateau de Guilhaumard (France) - Phil
Cirl Bunting (2), Common Cuckoo (1), Eurasian Blue Tit (6), European Goldfinch (2), European Robin (6), Subalpine Warbler (5)

2024-04-12 - Mont Lozère col de Finiels (France) - Phil
Coal Tit (2), Common Raven (2), Eurasian Sparrowhawk (1), Sky Lark (10)

2024-04-11 - Nîmes-Le-Vieux (Lozère) (France) - Phil
Eurasian Linnet (6), Northern Wheatear (1), Short-toed Eagle (1), Sky Lark (10)

2024-04-05 - yeppoon beachfront (Australia) - the_birdman
Brahminy Kite (1)

2024-04-03 - 29 Lakeside Dr, Taroomball QLD 4703 (Australia) - the_birdman
Barn Owl (1)

2024-04-01 - NSG Tippelsberg (Germany) - bluejayprime
Canada Goose (4), Common Chiffchaff (1), Egyptian Goose (5), Eurasian Blackbird (1), Eurasian Coot (5), Eurasian Jackdaw (1), Eurasian Magpie (1), European Robin (2), Graylag Goose (1), Mallard (5), Rock Pigeon (1)

2024-03-31 - 1155 Ocean Trail, Corolla, NC 27927 (United States) - kalaskas
Bald Eagle (1)

2024-03-30 - Forestry England Car Park, National Trust - Leigh Woods, Bristol BS8 3QB (United Kingdom) - nomig
Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch (1), Common Chiffchaff (1)

2024-03-29 - 1 Moorend Ln, Slimbridge, Gloucester GL2 7DG (United Kingdom) - nomig
Hooded Crane (4), White-throated Kingfisher (2)

2024-03-24 - Amtoudi (Morocco) - Jaire, Manu, Phil, jlh
Barbary Partridge (20), Blue Rock-Thrush (1), Bonelli's Eagle (2), Common Bulbul (1), Common Redstart (2), Eurasian Blackbird (1), Eurasian Collared-Dove (1), Laughing Dove (1), Northern Wheatear (2), Sardinian Warbler (1), Subalpine Warbler (1), White-tailed Wheatear (2), Woodchat Shrike (1)

2024-03-23 - Tagjgalte (Morocco) - Manu, Jaire, Phil, jlh
Bar-tailed Lark (1), Black-eared Wheatear (1), Bonelli's Eagle (4), Common Redstart (1), Eurasian Kestrel (1), European Bee-eater (15), Red-backed Shrike (1), Thekla Lark (2), White-tailed Wheatear (5), Woodchat Shrike (1)

2024-03-23 - oued draa (Morocco) - Manu, Jaire, Phil, jlh
Black Wheatear (3), Black-eared Wheatear (2), Blue Rock-Thrush (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Desert Lark (4), Desert Wheatear (2), Eurasian Kestrel (1), House Bunting (1), Little Ringed Plover (1), Northern Wheatear (2), Thekla Lark (2), Woodchat Shrike (1)
Bivouac sur l oued draa

2024-03-22 - Parc national de Khenifiss (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Caspian Tern (1), Greater Flamingo (100), Lesser Black-backed Gull (100), Little Tern (1), Osprey (1), Thekla Lark (10), Whimbrel (1), White Wagtail (1)

2024-03-21 - Rassi Ez Zahar (Morocco) - Phil, Manu, jlh
Bluethroat (1), Common Snipe (1), Desert Wheatear (1), Gray Heron (1), Green Sandpiper (2), Little Ringed Plover (3), Red-rumped Swallow (3), Ruddy Shelduck (1)

2024-03-21 - Route N1 entre El Ouatia et Ben Khlil (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Black-bellied Plover (1), Common Scoter (50), Eurasian Oystercatcher (4), Eurasian Spoonbill (3), Great Cormorant (1), Lesser Black-backed Gull (30), Northern Gannet (10), Ruddy Turnstone (7), Sanderling (3), Sandwich Tern (20), Whimbrel (1)

2024-03-20 - Cap Draa et reserve Pastrele Lakhouyat (Morocco) - Phil, Manu, jlh
Bar-tailed Lark (10), Cream-colored Courser (6), Eurasian Spoonbill (23), Fulvous Chatterer (1), Gray Heron (1), Greater Flamingo (2), Lesser Black-backed Gull (100), Little Egret (1), Mourning Wheatear (1), Osprey (1), Red-rumped Swallow (1), Red-rumped Wheatear (1), Sandwich Tern (30), Sardinian Warbler (1), Temminck's Lark (1), Thekla Lark (10), Woodchat Shrike (1)
Quelques limi au loin. Et vol de becasseaux

2024-03-20 - Labyar (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Bank Swallow (2), Barn Swallow (10), Common Bulbul (4), Corn Bunting (1), European Bee-eater (1), Long-legged Buzzard (1), Northern Wheatear (10), Red-rumped Swallow (1), Subalpine Warbler (1), Zitting Cisticola (2)

2024-03-19 - Guelmin Tanta N1 km33 35 (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Bar-tailed Lark (1), Black Wheatear (1), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), European Bee-eater (2), Temminck's Lark (4), Trumpeter Finch (100)

2024-03-19 - Plage blanche (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Audouin's Gull (1), Black Redstart (1), Caspian Tern (1), Eurasian Spoonbill (2), Lesser Black-backed Gull (3), Northern Gannet (2), Northern Wheatear (4), Osprey (1), Pied Avocet (2), Sanderling (20), Thekla Lark (10)

2024-03-19 - NSG Tippelsberg (Germany) - bluejayprime
Green Woodpecker (1), Tawny Owl (1)

2024-03-18 - Oued Noun Fort Bou Jérif (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Barn Swallow (10), Black-eared Wheatear (1), Bluethroat (1), Common Redstart (2), Eurasian Wryneck (1), Long-legged Buzzard (1), Thekla Lark (10), Water Pipit (1), Western Bonelli's Warbler (1), Western Yellow Wagtail (1), Willow Warbler (10), Woodchat Shrike (2)

2024-03-18 - Fort Bou Jérif (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Black Kite (3), Black Wheatear (1), Black-eared Wheatear (1), Eurasian Kestrel (1), European Bee-eater (20), European Scops-Owl (1), Montagu's Harrier (1), Osprey (2), Red-rumped Wheatear (1), Tristram's Warbler (1), Western Bonelli's Warbler (1), Woodchat Shrike (2)

2024-03-17 - Oued Mgitaa Sfa (route fort bou Jérif) (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Barn Swallow (50), Black Stork (10), Black-winged Stilt (1), Common Sandpiper (1), Eurasian Moorhen (1), Gray Wagtail (1), Green Sandpiper (1), Little Grebe (1), Long-legged Buzzard (1), Marbled Teal (20), Osprey (1), Ruddy Shelduck (3), Woodchat Shrike (1)

2024-03-17 - Barrage de Tighmert (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Common Bulbul (2), Eurasian Blackbird (2), Eurasian Moorhen (1), Green Sandpiper (5), Ruddy Shelduck (2), Subalpine Warbler (1)
1 pouillot gris à identifier

2024-03-17 - Tighmert oasis (Morocco) - Jaire, Manu, jlh, philippeheitz
Common Bulbul (2), Eurasian Kestrel (2), European Greenfinch (1), Long-legged Buzzard (1), White-tailed Wheatear (3)

2024-03-17 - Mirleft (Morocco) - Manu, Jaire
Black Wheatear (1), Great Cormorant (8)

2024-03-17 - Ifentar (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Barn Swallow (10), Common Sandpiper (1), Little Grebe (1), Moussier's Redstart (1), Sardinian Warbler (1)

2024-03-16 - Oued Massa Chemin de l'embouchure (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu, jlh
Black-eared Wheatear (1), Black-winged Stilt (1), Common Bulbul (4), Common Greenshank (1), Common Sandpiper (3), Eurasian Curlew (6), Eurasian Linnet (2), Eurasian Sparrowhawk (1), Eurasian Spoonbill (3), European Bee-eater (1), European Serin (3), Gray Heron (4), Little Egret (3), Little Ringed Plover (1), Marbled Teal (5), Ruddy Shelduck (1), Sardinian Warbler (1), Stonechat (1), Subalpine Warbler (1), Thekla Lark (1), Waldrapp (10), Wood Sandpiper (3), Woodchat Shrike (10)

2024-03-16 - Oued Souss (Morocco) - Phil, Jaire, Manu
Audouin's Gull (1), Black-bellied Plover (1), Black-tailed Godwit (1), Black-winged Stilt (15), Curlew Sandpiper (1), Dunlin (10), Eurasian Curlew (1), Eurasian Oystercatcher (2), Great Spotted Cuckoo (1), Greater Flamingo (50), Lesser Black-backed Gull (1000), Little Egret (1), Little Ringed Plover (50), Mediterranean Gull (2), Pied Avocet (3), Ruddy Shelduck (10), Sandwich Tern (70), Sardinian Warbler (1), Spotted Redshank (1)
chevalier gambette ou arlequin à vérifier

2024-03-15 - plage Tatane (Morocco) - Phil, jlh
Northern Gannet (10), Sandwich Tern (50)

2024-03-15 - Tamri nord (Morocco) - Phil, jlh
Thekla Lark (1), Waldrapp (23)

2024-03-14 - Souira Kedima (Morocco) - Phil, jlh
Barn Swallow (10), Little Owl (1), Moussier's Redstart (1), Subalpine Warbler (2)

2024-03-14 - Chaibate (Morocco) - Phil, jlh
Lanner Falcon (1), Thekla Lark (10)

2024-03-13 - Sidi Bourhaba (Morocco) - Phil, jlh
Black Kite (4), Black-winged Stilt (10), Common Shelduck (4), Mallard (20), Red-crested Pochard (4), Red-knobbed Coot (2), Sardinian Warbler (1)

2024-03-11 - El Cau de Mariano Ros Elche (France) - Phil, jlh
Black Redstart (1), Red Spurfowl (1), Sardinian Warbler (3), Stonechat (1)

2024-03-10 - Riet Vell (Spain) - Phil, jlh
Black-winged Stilt (20), Bluethroat (2), Common Chiffchaff (10), Common Redshank (1), Common Snipe (2), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), Eurasian Moorhen (5), Eurasian Spoonbill (1), Glossy Ibis (100), Gray Heron (1), Greater Flamingo (50), Northern Shoveler (50), Water Rail (1)

2024-03-10 - Illa de Buda (Spain) - Phil, jlh
Bank Swallow (2), Common Chiffchaff (2), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (2), Eurasian Reed-Warbler (2), Glossy Ibis (6), Gray Heron (1), Great Cormorant (4), Mallard (4)
vu le nid de la remiz sur la 2ème ligne droite avant le petit abris du fleuve sur les arbres plus proche du chemin

2024-02-29 - whistler av yeppoon (Australia) - the_birdman
Apostlebird (1)

2024-02-28 - taranganba school (Australia) - the_birdman
Australian Brush-Turkey (1)

2024-02-14 - Saint Lary Soulan (France) - Jaire
Eurasian Griffon (10), Eurasian Sparrowhawk (1), Gray Wagtail (2), Great Tit (2), Long-tailed Tit (2), Red Kite (2), White-throated Dipper (1)

2024-02-04 - the pac (Australia) - the_birdman
Rainbow Lorikeet (1)

2024-01-25 - port de Catane (Italy) - Jaire
Common Kingfisher (1)

2024-01-21 - 100 Farnborough Rd, Yeppoon QLD 4703 (Australia) - the_birdman
Welcome Swallow (1), Willie-wagtail (1)

2024-01-21 - fisherman's beach (Australia) - the_birdman
Bar-shouldered Dove (1), Little Black Cormorant (1), Osprey (1)

2024-01-19 - mt Jim crow (Australia) - the_birdman
Emu (1)

2024-01-18 - marlborough (Australia) - the_birdman
Black Kite (1)

2024-01-18 - makcay (Australia) - the_birdman
Masked Lapwing (1)

2024-01-15 - 168 A1, Allenstown QLD 4700 (Australia) - the_birdman
Willie-wagtail (1)

2024-01-14 - darcys (Australia) - the_birdman
Magpie Goose (1)

2024-01-14 - home (Australia) - the_birdman
Olive-backed Sunbird (1)

2024-01-07 - 2745 Yeppoon Rd, Barmaryee QLD 4703 (Australia) - the_birdman
Common Myna (1), Magpie-lark (1)

2024-01-07 - havenwood (Australia) - the_birdman
Australasian Magpie (1), Galah (1), Masked Lapwing (1)

2024-01-06 - airport (Australia) - the_birdman
Australian Ibis (1), Crested Pigeon (1)

2024-01-04 - 125 Victoria Parade, Rockhampton QLD 4700 (Australia) - the_birdman
House Sparrow (1), Noisy Miner (1), Torresian Crow (1)

2024-01-04 - win office (Australia) - the_birdman
Rock Pigeon (1)

2024-01-04 - 79 Tanby Rd, Yeppoon QLD 4703 (Australia) - the_birdman
Brown Honeyeater (1), Pheasant Coucal (1), Radjah Shelduck (1)

2024-01-01 - 36RW+X3 Kitty Hawk, NC (United States) - kalaskas
Bald Eagle (1)

2023-12-16 - Les Confines - Monteux (France) - rdg
Blackcap (1), Common Chaffinch (1), Common Kingfisher (1), European Goldfinch (2), European Robin (1), Gray Heron (1), Great Tit (2), Reed Bunting (1)

2023-12-06 - Entremuros (Spain) - Phil, mariepaulealary
Black-shouldered Kite (1), Northern Lapwing (10), Reed Bunting (5)

2023-12-06 - Arroyo de Majalberraque (France) - Phil
Black-winged Stilt (10), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (2), Gray Heron (10), Greater Flamingo (100), Marbled Teal (100), Northern Shoveler (1000), Purple Swamphen (10), Red-crested Pochard (1), Southern Gray Shrike (2), White Stork (50)
1 pouillot à identifier

2023-12-05 - Mirador del embalse del Jandul (Spain) - Phil, mariepaulealary
Azure-winged Magpie (30), Black Redstart (10), Common Chaffinch (20), Eurasian Griffon (20), Eurasian Magpie (10), Red Spurfowl (6)
Et 1 lynx sur le chemin. Gros coup de bol.

2023-12-03 - Mirador de Patrau (l'Encanyissada) (Spain) - Phil
Glossy Ibis (500), Greater Flamingo (2000)

2023-12-03 - Pont del Travès (Spain) - Phil
Common Pochard (10), Eurasian Coot (10), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), Gadwall (10), Great Crested Grebe (30), Greater Flamingo (200), Mallard (30), Northern Shoveler (10)

2023-12-03 - La Tancada (Spain) - Phil
Eurasian Magpie (3), Greater Flamingo (5000), Green Sandpiper (1), Little Egret (1)

2023-12-03 - Riet Vell (Spain) - Phil
Bank Swallow (5), Cetti's Warbler (10), Eurasian Coot (1), Eurasian Moorhen (10), Glossy Ibis (30), Great Cormorant (20), Great Egret (5), Little Grebe (2), Mallard (20), Purple Swamphen (2), Water Rail (1)

2023-12-03 - Illa de Buda (Spain) - Phil, mariepaulealary
Black Redstart (2), Black-headed Gull (50), Cetti's Warbler (1), Common Chiffchaff (10), Common Kingfisher (2), Crested Lark (1), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (2), Eurasian Tree Sparrow (1), European Robin (4), Glossy Ibis (30), Gray Heron (30), Great Egret (10), Green Sandpiper (3), Meadow Pipit (4), Reed Bunting (10), White Wagtail (5), Wood Sandpiper (2)

2023-12-02 - Rodell de les Formigues (Spain) - Phil
Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (1), Glossy Ibis (500), Greater Flamingo (500), Water Pipit (1), Wood Sandpiper (1)
1 chevalier sylvain qui ne devrait pas être ici en cette saison

2023-12-02 - Les Olles (Spain) - Phil, mariepaulealary
Bank Swallow (2), Common Kingfisher (1), Eurasian Marsh-Harrier (2), Great Cormorant (1), Great Egret (10), House Sparrow (30), Little Egret (2), Northern Lapwing (20)
1 peu trop de vent aujourd'hui

2023-11-20 - Barton pond, 1111 N Main St, West Bend, WI 53090 (United States) - tonyr
Bald Eagle (1), Canada Goose (16), Ring-billed Gull (20)
Bald Eagle

2023-11-20 - North End of Horicon Marsh, Hwy 49, Dodge County, Wisconsin (NA) - tonyr
American Black Duck (8), American Coot (30), American Wigeon (24), Canada Goose (80), Mallard (8), Northern Pintail (30), Northern Shoveler (18), Sandhill Crane (120), Trumpeter Swan (7)
camera problems no pics

2023-11-14 - Coal Dock Park, Port Washington, Wisconsin, USA (NA) - tonyr
American Crow (4), Black-capped Chickadee (2), Bufflehead (2), Canada Goose (25), Dark-eyed Junco (5), Mallard (2), Mourning Dove (1), Red-tailed Hawk (2), Ring-billed Gull (16), Ruddy Duck (1)
Ruddy Duck
Ring-billed Gull
Canada Goose
Canada Goose
Dark-eyed Junco
Red-tailed Hawk

2023-11-13 - 7558 jills court, Washington County, Wisconsin, United States (NA) - tonyr
Black-capped Chickadee (3), House Sparrow (8), Mourning Dove (1), Northern Cardinal (1), White-breasted Nuthatch (2)

2023-11-08 - 7558 jills court, Washington County, Wisconsin, United States (NA) - tonyr
American Crow (6), Black-capped Chickadee (3), House Finch (2), House Sparrow (6), Mourning Dove (1), Northern Cardinal (2), Tufted Titmouse (2)

2023-11-07 - Mequon Nature Preserve, county line rd, Mequon WI, USA (NA) - tonyr
Dark-eyed Junco (12), Downy Woodpecker (1), Field Sparrow (5), Fox Sparrow (3), Gadwall (3), Mallard (60)
Downy Woodpecker

2023-11-06 - Barton pond, 1111 N Main St, West Bend, WI 53090 (United States) - tonyr
Bald Eagle (1), Canada Goose (120), Red-tailed Hawk (1), Ring-billed Gull (6)
Red-tailed Hawk
Ring-billed Gull
Canada Goose
Bald Eagle

2023-11-06 - Ruhrpark (Germany) - bluejayprime
Eurasian Hoopoe (1)

2023-11-05 - La Couarde-sur-Mer (France) - Morus
Brant (200)

2023-11-02 - Rubicon Lagoon, Hartford WI, Washington County, USA (NA) - tonyr
Bufflehead (8), Canada Goose (15), Mallard (3), Northern Shoveler (1)

2023-11-01 - 7558 jills court, Washington County, Wisconsin, United States (NA) - tonyr
Black-capped Chickadee (4), Blue Jay (4), House Finch (2), House Sparrow (12), Mourning Dove (3), Northern Cardinal (2), Red-bellied Woodpecker (1), Tufted Titmouse (3)
Northern Cardinal
Northern Cardinal
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Blue Jay
House Finch
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse

2023-10-29 - Via Risorgimento, 4b, 09010 Perdaxius SU (Italy) - MatthewBirder
Black Redstart (1)

2023-10-28 - Rubicon Lagoon, Hartford WI, Washington County, USA (NA) - tonyr
American Black Duck (2), American Coot (16), American Wigeon (6), Canada Goose (36), Common Merganser (1), Gadwall (4), Mallard (4), Ring-billed Gull (12), Ring-necked Duck (2), Ruddy Duck (6)
Canada Goose
Common Merganser
Ruddy Duck
American Coot
Ring-billed Gull

2023-10-28 - Albemarle sound (NA) - kalaskas
Bald Eagle (2)

2023-10-23 - Hwy 144 south of County Hwy A, Washington, County, Wisconsin (NA) - tonyr
Ring-billed Gull (74)
Ring-billed Gull
Ring-billed Gull

2023-10-20 - North End of Horicon Marsh, Hwy 49,Ledge Road, Dodge County, Wisconsin (NA) - tonyr
American Coot (46), American Wigeon (60), Canada Goose (100), Gadwall (1), Great Egret (6), Mallard (6), Northern Shoveler (24), Pied-billed Grebe (36), Ruddy Duck (24), Trumpeter Swan (3), Turkey Vulture (1), Whooping Crane (3)
American Wigeon
American Wigeon
Great Egret
Trumpeter Swan
American Wigeon
American Wigeon
Trumpeter Swan
American Wigeon
Pied-billed Grebe

2023-10-19 - I-64, Newport News, VA 23603 (United States) - kalaskas
Bald Eagle (2)

2023-10-19 - 7943+64 Williamsburg, VA (United States) - kalaskas
Bald Eagle (1)

2023-10-19 - Fellenz Woods, Washington County, West Bend WI, USA (NA) - tonyr
American Robin (4), Cedar Waxwing (8), Eastern Bluebird (2), Yellow-rumped Warbler (1)
American Robin
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Eastern Bluebird